tisdag 1 oktober 2013

How To Create Nice And Almost Free Pen Storage.

Old tomato cans in new clothes

Here's the tutorial for yesterday's craft. 
The first thing you need to do is to make sure there is 
no sharp edges inside the cans! 
I used origami paper but you can use any paper that you like, why not from a newspaper or magazine. 

1. Pick some nice colors or paper that you think will look good together. Measure up stripes and cut if out. I ended up doing different sizes because I think that looks nice but if you want all of them the same size go for it, there's no rules. But I thought it was easy to with 1 cm, 1,5 cm, 2 cm and 2,5 cm and mix them. 
2. Glue the stripes to the can, I didn't put glue on all of it just the start and end. If you what to change if later it's easy to remove it. 
3. Now you done! Start filling your cans up with nice things. 
Pens or why not all those small little pieces of Lego?
or your make up brushes?

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hej! Vilken underbar blogg du har, great! :) hoppas allt är bra med dig. Jag vill även passa på att tipsa om min tävling i bloggen, ska tävla ut ett fint babygym! Missa inte det! =) Kika in här:
    GÅ GÄRNA MED I MIN FACEBOOKGRUPP: JAG BLOGGAR. Och sprid dina inlägg! =)

    1. Tack så mycket! Roligt du gillar bloggen. Kom gärna på besök igen. Hälsningar Little It & friends
