onsdag 27 februari 2013

The Best Animal In The World Is?

Raccoon wants to ask a question, 
but I'm guessing he already know which answer he wants. 

söndag 10 februari 2013


Little Hedgehog
 decided to dress up as 
her favorite animal... 
I wonder which one that could be?

torsdag 7 februari 2013

Laundry Service

Our favorite little raccoon has once again helped us with the laundry. Sometimes mistakes happens, or was it really a mistake?

onsdag 6 februari 2013

The Elegance Of The Hedgehog

Dangerous on the outside, 
soft and with a heart of gold on the inside. 
Say Hello to our newest friend Hedgehog.
If you mention "Valentine" with your next order you will get  
10 % off on all illustrations, (the offer ends the 14th of February)
Please ask for prices, from 450 SEK-550 SEK.  

fredag 1 februari 2013

Is It Party Time?

Do you need help with your invitations? 
ask me and I will help you make a fun and colorful card.